Software Architecture Course - 2018/19 edition


Student's projects

The following list contains the projects that have already a working prototype with the application and technical documentation deployed. This is still work-in-progress as the final deadline for the projects finishes during the week of 29th April-3rd May.

Dechat_en1b app deployed source code Technical documentation
Dechat_en2a app deployed source code Technical documentation
Dechat_en2b/sole_chat app deployed source code Technical documentation
Dechat_en3a app deployed source code Technical documentation
Dechat_es1a app deployed source code Technical documentation
Dechat_es1b app deployed source code Technical documentation
Dechat_es2b app deployed source code Technical documentation
Dechat_es3b app deployed source code Technical documentation
Dechat_es4a app deployed source code Technical documentation
Dechat_es4b app deployed source code Technical documentation
Dechat_es5a app deployed source code Technical documentation
Dechat_es5b app deployed source code Technical documentation
Dechat_es6a2 app deployed source code Technical documentation
Dechat_es6b app deployed source code Technical documentation


Communication channels

Coding style guides

Software architecture documentation


Quality attributes

Online references

Practical assignment

Description: English, Spanish

Seminar assignment

Description: English, Spanish