About arc42
arc42, the template for documentation of software and system architecture.
Template Version 8.2 EN. (based upon AsciiDoc version), January 2023
Created, maintained and © by Dr. Peter Hruschka, Dr. Gernot Starke and contributors. See https://arc42.org.
1. Introduction and Goals
WIChat is an AI-powered web application for RTVE, aiming to develop an online quiz inspired by Saber y Ganar. This project will introduce a conversational AI feature that provides hints to contestants using an LLM.
This document describes the key requirements and quality goals for the project. It also identifies the stakeholders and their expectations.
1.1. Requirements Overview
User registration and authentication: Users must be able to create accounts and log in.
Image-based questions: The game will display an image, and users must identify its location.
AI-generated hints: Players can request hints about the image through a conversational interface powered by an external LLM.
Automatic content generation: Images and hints must be dynamically created using Wikidata.
Game scoring and rewards: Users earn points or rewards for correct answers.
API access: External systems should be able to retrieve quiz data and user performance information through an API.
Time-limited responses: Each question must be answered within a given timeframe.
Leaderboard: Users can view their ranking and compare their performance with others.
1.2. Quality Goals
Quality Goal | Motivation | Concrete Scenario |
Usability |
The game must provide an intuitive and engaging user experience |
The UI should be clear and easy to navigate, with a conversational AI that is easy to interact with |
Performance |
AI-generated hints should be delivered quickly to avoid disrupting gameplay |
Hints generated via the LLM should have a response time of less than 3 seconds |
Security |
Protecting user data and preventing AI model abuse is critical |
User interactions should be encrypted and respect user privacy and data protection laws. |
AI Adaptability |
The LLM should provide relevant and contextually appropriate hints |
The AI must be fine-tuned to ensure accurate and helpful responses based on Wikidata sources |
Scalability |
The system must handle multiple simultaneous users without slowdowns |
The game should support multiple concurrent players with minimal latency |
1.3. Stakeholders
Role/Name | Contact | Expectations |
Users |
General public, quiz players |
Engaging and interactive quiz experience with AI-generated hints |
Development Team |
Carballo Pérez, Andrés (UO287983@uniovi.es) |
Well-documented architecture and a system that is easy to maintain and extend |
Professors |
Pablo González González |
A project demonstrating LLM integration and structured team collaboration |
An engaging online game that aligns with their brand and audience expectations |
2. Architecture Constraints
Restriction | Description |
Git/GitHub |
Git will be used as the version control system and GitHub as the platform to store the code, allowing for efficient code management, project change tracking, and facilitating collaboration among team members. Additionally, a lack of proficiency with these tools could lead to lower efficiency and greater challenges. |
Docker |
The application will be deployed using Docker, allowing for a more consistent and flexible deployment, which facilitates the management of scalability and dependencies. |
AsciiDoc |
All documentation associated with the project must be developed using AsciiDoc, a lightweight and structured format. |
Time |
The project must be developed, tested, and completed according to the established deadlines, with organization and effective use of time by the team, including meetings and planning, being key. |
Web Accessible |
The application must be deployed and accessible via web, allowing users to interact with the system from any device with an internet connection, without the need for local installations. |
Wikidata |
The system must obtain data to generate questions and images from Wikidata, ensuring a structured, updated, and verifiable source of information. |
A language model will be integrated to generate hints for each question through interaction with the application. |
3. Contexto y Alcance
3.1. Contexto de Negocio
Elemento | Descripción |
Usuario |
El concursante que interactúa con la aplicación y le puede preguntar al chatbot integrado, y responder a las preguntas mostradas. |
WIChat |
Aplicación web principal donde se desarrolla la lógica del juego. |
WIChat |
Aplicación web principal donde se desarrolla la lógica del juego. |
Wikidata |
Fuente de donde se extraeran las preguntas y las respuestas, las cuales no estarán visibles hasta que el usuario interactue con la aplicación tras responder. |
API que integra un LLM que se utilizará para generar pistas de forma dinámica y que seguira un diálogo conversacional que ayudará al concursante a responder las preguntas, pero que nunca le dirán implícitamente la respuesta. |
Base de Datos |
Sistema de almacenamiento que guarda información relevante sobre el usuario y anteriores partidas. |
3.2. Contexto Técnico
3.2.1. Diagrama de Despliegue
3.2.2. Explicación de Interfaces Técnicas
API que hace de enlace entre las distintas partes de la aplicación.
Aplicación React
React aportará al usuario una interfaz con la que interactuar y responder a las preguntas y por medio de la cual hacer las peticiones correspondientes a la parte de backEnd de la aplicación.
Base de Datos de Usuarios
Almacena toda la información referente a los usuarios,datos,historial de partidas.
Servicio de Autenticación
Interfaz que se comunica con la base de datos de usuarios para comprobar el si el inicio de sesión es válido o no.
Servicio de Usuario
Interfaz que se comunica con la base de datos de usuarios para consultar y, o actualizar la información referente a las partidas de los mismos.
Servicio que procesará las pistas de WikiData y devolverá la respuesta a la pregunta del usuario. ===== API WikiData Wikidata nos aportará todo lo referente a las preguntas, tanto la imágen, como las respuestas y la respuesta correcta, además de que nos permitirá recopilar pistas que servirán al LLM para responder.
3.2.3. Mapeo de Canales de Entrada/salida
Canal | Entrada | Salida |
Aplicación React |
Peticiones HTTP del usuario con las acciones |
Respuesta a través de la interfaz. |
Gateway |
Peticiones REST de webapp para obtener datos de las preguntas (imágenes,respuestas), o solicitar operaciones como iniciar sesión |
Respuesta con la información solicitada en cada caso. |
Servicio Usuario |
Datos que se quieren consultar a la base de datos |
Respuesta a dicha consulta. |
Servicio Autenticación |
Datos de inicio de sesión del usuario |
Consulta de comprobación de los datos, para ver si son erróneos o no. |
LLM_Service |
Prompt con la solicitud de pistas que quiere el usuario en ese momento |
Pista generada por el modelo. |
API Wikidata |
Solicitud de las imagenes o pistas en ese momento |
Respuesta sobre la imagen solicitada, ya sea en forma de pista, o bien una nueva imagen en caso de que se solicite una nueva pregunta. |
Base de Datos de Usuarios |
Instrucciones SQL para consultas o insercioes |
Resultado de las consultas o confirmación de las inserciones. |
Prometheus |
Métricas de Gateway |
métricas en su base de datos. |
Grafana |
Métricas organizadas en Prometheus |
Visualización de las métricas. |
4. Solution Strategy
4.1. 4.1. Technology Decisions
As part of the project’s initial planning phase, we have identified a set of technologies that we believe will be well-suited to implement the WiChat application. These technologies align with the project requirements and will guide the development process once the implementation begins.
JavaScript – A versatile, high-level programming language widely used for developing dynamic and interactive web applications. It allows for both client-side and server-side development, making it an ideal choice for the full-stack needs of the project.
React – A JavaScript library designed for building efficient user interfaces for single-page applications. React’s component-based architecture will enhance reusability and maintainability, which will be key once development begins.
Node.js – A runtime environment for executing JavaScript on the server side. Node.js is well-suited to handling asynchronous operations, making it a good choice for scalable network applications and managing database interactions.
Express.js – A lightweight web framework built on top of Node.js, planned to simplify backend development. Express will provide essential features such as routing, middleware management, and API creation, ensuring smooth backend processes during the project’s development.
MongoDB – A NoSQL, document-oriented database. MongoDB offers flexibility, scalability, and high availability. Its JSON-like document structure is well-suited for applications that may need to dynamically adjust the database schema as the project evolves.
Docker – A containerization platform that allows developers to package applications along with their dependencies, ensuring consistent execution across different environments. This will simplify deployment and enhance scalability when the system is up and running.
GitHub – A version control platform that will be essential for managing the project’s codebase. It will enable collaborative development, tracking of changes, and automation of workflows, particularly important for a smooth development process as the team grows.
4.2. 4.2. System Architecture
The architecture for the WiChat application is currently planned to be based on a microservices architecture, a modular approach that allows distinct services to be developed and maintained independently. This structure is chosen to provide scalability, flexibility, and ease of maintainability as the project progresses.
The system will consist of the following microservices, each designed to handle specific responsibilities:
User Service – This service will manage user registration, profile management, and the friend system.
Gateway Service – The gateway service will serve as the public-facing entry point, routing incoming requests to the appropriate microservices.
WebApp Service – This is the frontend web application, which will interact with the gateway service to provide essential functionalities like user authentication.
Auth Service – The auth service will manage user authentication processes, ensuring secure login and session handling.
These decisions are being made with the goal of setting up a solid foundation for the development, ensuring that once work begins, the system will be modular and capable of scaling as needed.
4.3. 4.3. Decisions Made to Achieve Quality Goals
Before beginning the development of the project, we identified several quality goals that will guide our design and implementation strategy. The following decisions were made to address these goals and ensure the system meets the expected standards once development begins.
Quality Goal | Decision Made |
Usability |
The application must be designed to be intuitive and accessible for users with various backgrounds. To ensure usability, we have planned: * Conducting user feedback sessions and usability tests at the early stages of development. * Choosing an appropriate typography style and sizing to ensure legibility and user comfort. |
Performance Efficiency |
The system needs to be optimized to handle potential traffic surges and deliver quick responses to users. The following strategies are planned to optimize performance: * Reducing request frequency to external services (like WikiData) to avoid overloading the system. |
Maintainability & Scalability |
The system must be modular, easy to maintain, and scalable for future growth. To ensure long-term maintainability and scalability, we have outlined the following approaches: * Choosing a microservices architecture that allows for modular development and easy updates or additions. * Implementing key design patterns, including: Gateway Pattern – A single entry point for external requests to streamline access. Single Responsibility Principle – Ensuring each service has a focused and clear role. * Maintaining clean and documented code, following industry best practices to ensure ease of future modifications. |
Security |
Protecting user data and maintaining the security of the system is essential. The following security measures are being considered: * Utilizing JWT-based authentication to securely manage user sessions. * Implementing role-based access control (RBAC) to restrict access to sensitive functionalities. * Ensuring secure coding practices to protect against threats such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS). * Enabling SSL/TLS encryption to secure data during transmission between clients and servers. |
Availability & Reliability |
The application must be available at all times and provide a reliable experience to users. To ensure availability, the following actions are being planned: * Configuring automated monitoring and alerting systems to detect potential issues and trigger immediate resolution processes. * Designing the system with fault tolerance in mind, so that key services can continue running even in case of failures. |
4.4. 4.4. Organizational Decisions
As we are in the early planning phase of the WiChat application, we have outlined the following organizational decisions to help guide the development process once the project begins:
Task Distribution – We plan to distribute tasks as evenly as possible among team members to ensure a balanced workload. The goal is to make sure that once a task is completed, at least 50% of the team should review it before it is considered valid. This review process will help maintain high-quality standards throughout the development cycle.
GitHub Issues – To manage tasks effectively, we will utilize GitHub Issues. This will allow us to create, assign, and track tasks while also providing a platform for discussing any critical decisions that may arise during development.
GitHub Projects – We will incorporate GitHub Projects to organize our workflow and track the overall progress of the project. This will provide a clear overview of tasks and help ensure we stay on track during development.
Language – The project will be developed in English. This decision ensures that both the code and documentation are accessible to all team members, as well as to future contributors.
External Meetings – Regular external meetings will be held to review the project’s progress and determine the next steps. These meetings will help ensure we stay aligned with the project goals and timelines.
Internal Communication – We will use Discord as the primary communication platform for internal discussions. This tool will facilitate real-time collaboration and help resolve issues as they arise during development. Additionally, GitHub Webhooks will be integrated to notify the team of any changes made in the repository, ensuring that everyone stays updated.
Documentation – For documentation purposes, we have decided to use Asciidoc. This tool was chosen because it simplifies the process of deploying and maintaining project documentation, making it easier for the team to collaborate and contribute.
5. Building Block View
5.1. Whitebox Overall System
First Level

- Motivation
WIChat is the general structure of a system in which a user can play the game interacting with an LLM for hints.
- Contained Building Blocks
Name |
Description |
User |
Client of the application which will interact with it. |
WIChat |
System developed to be used by the users. |
Wikidata |
Aplication to generate the questions and answers. |
Empathy AI |
API used for the hints. |
- Important Interfaces
- API communication between WIChat and external services (WikiData, Empathy AI).
5.2. Level 2 - Internal Structure of WIChat
Detailed System Overview

- Contained Building Blocks
Name | Description |
GatewayService |
Manages incoming requests and routes them to appropriate services. |
UserManager |
Handles authentication, user management, and ranking system. |
LLMService |
Connects to Empathy AI to generate hints for users. |
WebApp |
User-facing interface for gameplay and interactions. |
- Important Interfaces
REST API for WebApp to communicate with GatewayService.
Internal service-to-service communication for user authentication and data retrieval.
5.3. Level 3 - Detailed Breakdown of GatewayService
GatewayService Internal Structure

- Contained Building Blocks
Name | Description |
UserManager |
Submodule responsible for managing users and authentication. |
AuthService |
Handles authentication and security mechanisms. |
UserService |
Manages user profiles, sessions, and data. |
RankingService |
Stores and updates leaderboard data. |
QuestionService |
Retrieves and formats questions from WikiData. |
MongoDB Database |
Stores user information, rankings, and game data. |
- Important Interfaces
Communication between UserManager and MongoDB for user data storage.
Integration of QuestionService with WikiData API to fetch questions.
Secure authentication flows via AuthService.
6. Runtime View
6.1. Login

6.2. Question Generation

6.3. Clue Generation

6.4. Game

6.5. Show User Info

7. Deployment View
7.1. Infrastructure Level 1
The following overview diagram shows the overall deployment of the Quiz Web Application. It illustrates how the system is distributed within an Azure Virtual Machine using Docker containers, and how the individual services interact with each other as well as with external services.
- Motivation
The infrastructure has been designed to support a distributed system where each microservice is encapsulated in its own Docker container. This approach facilitates scalability, ease of deployment, and fault isolation. The use of an Azure VM provides a robust hosting environment, while external integrations (as with Wikidata) enrich the application’s functionality.
- Mapping of Building Blocks to Infrastructure
Software components are each deployed in their own Docker container within Azure. The GatewayService orchestrates communication among these services, while persistent data is managed by a MongoDB database. The QuestionService also interacts with the external Wikidata service to retrieve dynamic content for the quiz.
7.2. Infrastructure Level 2

7.2.1. Azure VM and Docker Containers
Within Azure, the following Docker containers are deployed:
WebApp: Hosts the Quiz Application front-end, which is accessed via a Web Browser by the end user.
GatewayService: Acts as the central API gateway, routing user requests from the WebApp to the appropriate back-end services.
AuthService: Manages user authentication and connects to the database for credential verification.
UserService: Handles user management functions, including registration, profile updates, and statistics.
LLMService: Processes natural language queries and interacts with the database to store and retrieve processed data.
QuestionService: Generates quiz questions and, in addition to accessing the internal MongoDB, retrieves external data from Wikidata.
MongoDB (Database): Provides persistence for user data and other application data.
Communication between these containers is managed internally within Azure, ensuring secure and efficient data transfer.
7.2.2. External Services
Wikidata: The QuestionService accesses Wikidata to fetch additional data for quiz questions.
8. Cross-cutting Concepts
8.1. Domain Concepts
The WIChat system is built around the concept of an interactive question-and-answer game where users receive hints to guess the correct answer. The system integrates data from WikiData and utilizes a Large Language Model (LLM) to generate dynamic hints.
Key domain concepts include:
Users: Participants interacting with WIChat.
Questions & Answers: Content dynamically generated from WikiData.
Hints: AI-generated assistance to guide users.
Ranking System: Scores and leaderboards to enhance engagement.
8.2. User Experience (UX) Concepts
User experience is a fundamental aspect of WIChat, ensuring seamless interaction and intuitive design.
Minimalist UI Design: A clean and distraction-free interface.
Real-time Feedback: Immediate responses to user input.
Gamification Elements: Leaderboards and achievements to boost user engagement.
8.3. Security and Safety Concepts
Security is a critical component of WIChat, ensuring safe interactions and data integrity.
Authentication and Authorization: User authentication through secure protocols.
Input Validation: Preventing injection attacks and ensuring data integrity.
8.4. Architecture and Design Patterns
WIChat follows established software design principles to ensure scalability and maintainability.
Microservices Architecture: Decoupled services to improve scalability.
MVC Pattern: Structuring the web application using Model-View-Controller.
8.5. "Under-the-hood" - Technical Implementation
Backend: Implemented using Node.js with Express.
Frontend: Built with React for a dynamic user experience.
Database: MongoDB as the primary data store.
LLM Integration: Empathy AI used for hint generation.
External Data Source: WikiData for retrieving question-related information.
8.6. Development Concepts
Version Control: Git and GitHub for source code management.
Continuous Integration/Deployment (CI/CD): Automated testing and deployment pipelines.
Code Reviews: Peer reviews to maintain code quality.
8.7. Operational Concepts
Logging & Monitoring: Centralized logging and performance monitoring tools.
Error Handling: Graceful degradation strategies for unexpected failures.
9. Architecture Decisions
10. Quality Requirements
10.1. Quality Tree
10.2. Quality Scenarios
11. Risks and Technical Debts
11.1. Risks
Risk | Description |
Familiarity with technologies |
Many of the base technologies used by the project, such as docker, asciidoc or react, are new to the team. The unfamiliarity, specially at the begginging, can cause a slow development and bad decisions. |
Implementation |
Team members mistakes such as the incorrect/unefficient implementation of a solution can cause big errors. Finding or fixing this errors takes time, which is a very limited reosurce in this project. |
Time |
This project must be submmited within the agreed dates, and any decision taken to meet this deadlines can cause very different problems. These decisions include deleting functionalities, lack of testing, bad coding or insufficient documentation(including both the GitHub and the source code). |
Teamwork |
The methodology used and the participation, communication and commitment of the team are cruzial for the succes of this project. |
Design |
A bad desing decision at the beggining of the project can cause a more difficult development, with more complications when updating or scalating the project, specially in a an application of this size and complexity. |
Wikidata |
Every aspect related to Wikidata: lack of knowledge wiht the platform, incorrect use, possible unavailability of the platform… |
11.2. Technical Debt
Technical Debt | Description |
Documentation |
The lack of proper documentation can make the project difficult to mantain or upgrade in the future, as it can increase the difficulty of finding mistakes. |
Quality code |
Prioritizing time over quality when coding can decrease the efficiency of the project. Unefficient methods and repetitive structures should be avoided. |
Test-coverage |
A bad test-coverage can cause long-term problems, as the project could keep developing with udentified mistakes. |
Obsolote technologies |
The use of obsolete or unsupported technologies such as frameworks or libraries can lead to reducted performance or security issues. |
12. Glossary
Term | Definition |
WIChat |
The application providing an interactive Q&A experience. |
User |
A person interacting with WIChat. |
Question |
A query generated dynamically using WikiData. |
Answer |
The correct response to a question in the game. |
Hint |
AI-generated clues to help users guess the correct answer. |
Empathy AI |
The LLM service used to generate contextual hints. |
WikiData |
The external knowledge base used to generate questions. |
Ranking System |
A system tracking user scores and leaderboards. |
Gateway Service |
The main entry point handling API requests and routing. |
User Manager |
A component handling authentication and user data management. |
AuthService |
A service responsible for user authentication and security. |
UserService |
A service managing user-related operations. |
RankingService |
A service that tracks and updates user scores. |
LLMService |
A service that connects to Empathy AI for hint generation. |
WebApp |
The frontend interface used by players to interact with WIChat. |
MongoDB |
The database system used to store user and game-related data. |
Docker |
The containerization platform used for deployment and scalability. |
JavaScript |
The primary programming language used for both frontend and backend development. |
React |
The JavaScript library used to build the WIChat frontend. |
Express |
The web framework for Node.js used to build the WIChat backend. |
Node.js |
The runtime environment for executing JavaScript code server-side. |
Continuous Integration and Deployment processes for automation and code deployment. |