We store all of your info using our TRUBIA (Traditional Unified Blockage of Information Algorithm), which combines a random M4 Enigma Machine configuration with Advanced Encryption Standard to create a double-layered encryption, locked by an unique 256 bits key for every field stored. Such keys need of a password of your choosing to encrypt and decrypt the data; without such password, your ciphered data is empirically unbreakable. Once you enter your first password, it is mandatory that you always input the same. If you do not wish to complicate matters, enter your SOLID password, it will do the trick. It is advisable, though, that you use a different one.
There is no validation, since we store this password nowhere; that's the whole point, so that a correct, dynamic input is the only way to decrypt your information. Hence, we will take whatever password you give us to work with; each session functions independently. If it doesn't equal to the password which was used to encrypt in the past, the information loaded will be ininteligible. However, whatever new data you create will be encrypted with the new password.
Just log out and log in again. Enter the right password this time. Try not to operate with the wrong password, or this information will be encrypted when you recover the original.
To create a chat, click on , which will list your friends. Clicking one of them will create a chat with the selected user, or open it if it already exists.
You can add a friend in a contact list by typing his username -i.e., to add "takumi.solid.community", type "takumi"- which will check on Inrupt and Solid Community profiles. Warning: this will NOT add a friend to your SOLID profile; it will add a friend to the current list of contacts, so that you can create a chat/group with someone you haven't befriended. Upon closing of the list, the contact will be removed. Whatever chats you have created will persist, though.
To create a group, click on which will list your friends. You may select the participants by clicking on them. After selecting them and choosing a name, "Create" is to be clicked.
If someone invites you, an alert will appear and the button shall be shown. It will list all the invites available, which may be accepted by clicking them.
If you do have chats already, but this text is showing, please check that the password you input to decrypt is correct. A wrong password will fail to decrypt the information stored, so none will appear.