CC0 1.0
Document Status
Version 1.0



Radarin will be a system to facilitate meetings between friends using new technologies. The application can get access to the mobile phone localization of the users who voluntarily activate it and will allow other users who are their friends to know when they are near them.

The application will allow to notify a user when there is some friend nearby so they can get in contact.

The system will be compatible with the SOLID project and it will not store personal information about the users in a centralized way, but will ask permission to get access to that information to the corresponding users' pods.

The system only can store locations and timestamps in which those locations happens, but it will avoid to store any other type of personal information about the users.

High level requirements

  • 2 software components are considered at least:
    • A Web application that will run in a server and that will store locations. The application will allow the users to manage and visualize locations and it will also include other admin options to manage users and monitor server status.
    • An application that will run in user's mobile phone sending locations to the server and receiving notifications from nearby friend users.
  • The application that acts as a server will store the minimal information about a user, the rest of user information, like the friends, will be queried to the user's pod
  • The system will be deployed from docker containers and it will also be deployed in a cloud service like heroku
  • The deployed web application will contain some monitoring system.
  • It is required to develop unit tests, acceptance tests and load tests that will be run automatically in a continuous integration server.

Optional features

  • The application can offer other services to the users like notifications to users that are nearby, friend suggestions, geolocalized pictures or multimedia content published by friends, etc.
  • It is possible to enrich the locations with comments, pictures, videos, etc.
  • The system could get access to mobile information using bluetooth
  • The web application can visualize maps with the locations made by one or more users
  • It may be possible to offer other types of visualization about users' locations and their friends.
  • It may be possible to tag locations to facilitate their search
  • The application could send messages between nearby users so they get in touch
  • It may be possible to notify positive COVID cases to facilitate tracking of people known with whom someone could have interacted

Assessment criteria

The following criteria will be considered to assess the quality of the solution:

  • Aesthetics and easy of use by non technical people
  • Security and respect for user's privacy
  • Responsiveness of the application
  • Originality of the solution
  • Usability of technical documentation taking into account architeture decision records.
  • Code quality analized both manual and automatically. Code coverage during testing will be taken into account as well as automating of deployment and testing processes.

Solid challenge

The teams can voluntarily to participate in the SOLID challenge, which has been organized in collaboration with Inrupt and Empathy. Further information will be published about how to participate.